Courses and events

Ikebana Workshop (Sogetsu) for Foreign residents

外国(がいこく)(じん)のための いけばな体験(たいけん)草月(そうげつ)(りゅう)

Come experience Ikebana (Sogetsu), a traditional Japanese flower arrangement. You will learn how to arrange seasonal flowers with instructions in simple Japanese and English. You can also take home the flowers you have arranged and enjoy them at home!

日本(にっぽん)伝統(でんとう)文化(ぶんか)である いけばな(草月(そうげつ)(りゅう))を体験(たいけん)してみませんか。やさしい日本語(にほんご)英語(えいご)で、季節(きせつ)のお(はな)のいけ(かた)(まな)びます。


Date & Time

Saturday, May 17th, 2025, 14:00 – 16:00 (Registration starts at 13:30)


Carot Tower 4F Workshop Room A  (Taishido 4-1-1, Setagaya-ku)

*Tokyu Denentoshi line or Setagaya line  by Sangenjaya Station



Shuho Baba (Certified Sougetsu Ikebana Instructor)

*We will provide easy-to-understand explanations in simple Japanese as well as in English


Foreign nationals who live, work, or attend school in Setagaya City and Adults (18 years or older) may apply. 

Number of Participants

20 persons (chosen by lottery)


2,000 yen per person.

*Pay in cash at the venue during reception.

How to Apply


English Application Form is Here

*Application deadline: Sunday, April 20. Notification of selection results will be sent by Sunday, April 27.If selected, further details will be provided by Tuesday, May 1.



Please contact Setagaya Intercutural Center for more information.

Inquiry Form is   Here


Setagaya city




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