Setagaya city is holding Beginners’ Japanese Language Classes for foreign residents who are learning the Japanese language for the first time, which is deemed necessary for their daily lives. Applications for the 1st period of 2025 will be accepted from April 1st.
세타가야구에서는 일본어를 처음 배우는 외국인을 대상으로 일상생활에 필요한 일본어를 배울 수 있는 초심자를 위한 강좌를 개설하고 있습니다. 2025년 제1기의 신청을 4월 1일부터 접수합니다.
第1期 1th Term
おしらせ Information
いまは、もうしこむことができません。Applications are now closed.
日程 Schedule
・2025年5月17日 土曜日~ 7月16日 水曜日 2025/5/17 – 2025/7/16
・毎週水曜日と土曜日(全18回 )Every Wednesday and Saturday (18 classes)
・オリエンテーション Orientation: 5月10日 May 10th.
時間 Time
水曜日 Wednesday:18:30 – 20:30 土曜日 Saturday:10:00 – 12:00
場所 Place
キャロットタワー5F セミナールーム (Setagaya-ku Taishido 4-1-1)
レベル Level
日本語の勉強を始めたばかりの人向け Beginner (CEFR A1 Level)
対象 Eligibility
世田谷区在住、在勤、在学の人 People who live, work, or study in Setagaya.
定員 Participants
If the number of participants exceeds the capacity, priority will be given to those learning Japanese for the first time. (Your level will be checked at the orientation.)
如果參加人數超過名額,將優先考慮初次學習日語的人。 (我們將在迎新培訓時檢查您的水平。)
料金 Fee
無料 Free of Charge
テキスト代 4510円 Textbook charges are 4510 yen
申し込み How to apply
・ Online Form April 1st. 10:00AM Open
・せたがや国際交流センター の窓口で At the counter of Crossing Setagaya.
お問い合わせ Contact
2025年度の予定 Plans for 2025
第1期 1st Term: 1st Step (Level A1: Beginner)
2025/5/17 – 2025/7/16 Applications accepted from April 1st.
第2期(Online)2nd Term: 2nd Step (Level A2: Elementary)
To be announced.
第3期 3rd Term: 1st Step (Level A1: Beginners)
To be announced.
第4期(Online)4th Term: 2nd Step (Level A2: Elementary)
To be announced.
第5期 5th Term: 1st Step (Level A1: Beginners)
To be announced.